Dr Andrew Kan

Obstetrician & Gynaecologist, Reproductive Medicine Physician

Dr Andrew Kan has trained to the highest qualifications in gynaecology and reproductive medicine. Andrew has been qualified for more than 20 years and has been practicing gynaecology in Sussex Street, Haymarket for more than 15 years. He is highly regarded amongst his patients to manage their gynecological issues medically and if necessarily surgically in the operating theatre next to his rooms in Sussex Center. The range of operations he can perform in the operating theatre there includes but is not limited to laparoscopy, hysteroscopy, D&C, colposcopies and cervical biopsies, LLETZ, insertion and removal of IUCD, termination of pregnancies, vaginal operations, and fertility procedures.

Dr Kan is popular with Sydney-based Asian patients as well as international patients travelling to Australia for gynaelcological and IVF treatment. His approach considers every possible treatment option to help his patients. He speaks Mandarin and Cantonese and is learning Japanese and Indonesian. 

Languages Spoken: English, Cantonese, Mandarin, Japanese, Indonesian

Contact Details

Consultation Rooms

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